5 Ways to Increase Your Happiness Now

5 Ways to Increase Happiness

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We all want to be happy. Did you know there are steps we can take to be happier?

Earlier in the summer I was fortunate to attend a conference featuring both Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz.  There was much good information offered on health and wellness overall. But Deepak spoke about the health of nations as scored in specific areas of the lives of its people which included:  Physical Health, Lack of Stress, Adequate amount of sleep, as well as financial health, and hopeful outlook for the Future. He felt he could predict the fall of nations based on scores in these areas which is a very interesting idea to consider.

Each month, I send out a two-page guideline to help my clients with everyday life issues. Some months, I concentrate on real estate and other months, I tackle finance. This month’s item of value is on Happiness and it may seem at first glance to be a throw-away, but if the health of a nation can be measured by the health of its citizens perhaps “happiness” should be considered more seriously. In any case, I hope you will take a minute to think about these ideas and just possibly incorporate a few of them into your daily life habits.

Here’s to a beautiful fall season, and your happy health and wellness.

5 Ways to Increase Your Happiness Now

  1. Invest time in your family and friends.
  2. Find your purpose.
  3. Have faith.
  4. Get your financial house in order.
  5. Exercise, and eat right.

5 Reasons to Get Happy

  1. Earn more money. Happy people have higher income levels.
  2. Reap social rewards. Happier people = happier relationships.
  3. Get an energy boost.
  4. Experience good health.
  5. You may live longer.

Visit Somewhere Happy!

Pick a place close to home that you’ve neglected to visit in a long time or hop on a plan to a winter vacation in Hawaii or Colorado. Soak up some happiness!

If you want to receive monthly encouraging notes from me along with wonderful and practical tips on managing finances, real estate and life, contact me today!


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